Can I use this to send notifications to my app?

You may use this tool for testing and troubleshooting notifications.

This tool is not supported for production use

To prevent abuse, request rates will be limited and requests may be blocked.

What should I use for sending notifications to my app?

There are many production-ready options for interacting with APNs that offer cross-platform notifications, advanced device management, and multi-targeting.

I recommend Azure Notification Hubs

Are you logging my requests?

Yes, when using the web-based version of the tool, requests are logged to track usage and help prevent abuse.

A one-way hash of the App ID and the Device Token are logged. Any abuse of this tool may result in your App ID being blocked.

Are my APNs credentials safe?

Yes, credentials are sent over HTTPS and used only to connect to APNs when sending the test notification.

Credentials are not stored and not logged. Feel free to review the source code.

What if I don't feel comfortable sending my APNs credentials?

I don't blame you, that's one of the reasons why I created this tool. You can also download the tool and run it locally.

Is this site affiliated with Microsoft?

No. This site was created by @brannon as a personal project and is hosted in a personal Azure account.

Feel free to use this site for testing, but understand that the site is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied.

What if I get an error, or something isn't working as expected?

Feel free to report problems by filing an issue in the GitHub project, but understand that there is no official support for this site.